Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 17 pp 8782—8799

Integrative analyses reveal biological function and prognostic role of m7G methylation regulators in high-grade glioma


Figure 3. Clustering of advanced glioma based on m7G regulators. (A) Consensus clustering identified three subtypes. (B) PCA showed three distinct clusters. (C) Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated significant differences in overall survival among three clusters. (DF) GSVA indicated the enriched pathways in three m7G clusters. (GJ) The differences in ESTIMAT score, stromal score, immune score, and tumor purity across three m7G clusters. (K, L) Comparisons of immune cell infiltrations level function among three m7G clusters. (M) Comparisons of Immune checkpoint-related genes expression among three m7G clusters.