Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 20 pp 11244—11267

CDKN2A was a cuproptosis-related gene in regulating chemotherapy resistance by the MAGE-A family in breast cancer: based on artificial intelligence (AI)-constructed pan-cancer risk model


Figure 13. CDKN2A-mutation/MAGE-A regulated oncogenesis and drug resistance. (A) Subtype disturbance of breast cancer in CDKN2A altered group and unaltered group. (B) Differences of genomic mutation status between the high and low expression of CDKN2A. (C) Volcano plot of gene disturbance in CDKN2A altered and unaltered groups. (D) The top 15 different genes, amongst which MAGEA3, MAGEA4, MAGEA12, and CSAG3 are risk factors in breast cancer, while MMP1 and CA9 are protective factors in breast cancer. (E) The expression of the MAGE-A family in CDKN2A altered and unaltered groups. (F) K-M analysis of MAGE-A family-constructed multi-gene risk model. (G) Molecular network of MAGE-A family. (H) CDKN2A-mutation/MAGE-A family pathway on oncogenesis and drug resistance.