Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14677—14702

Identification and validation of necroptosis-related gene signatures to predict clinical outcomes and therapeutic responses in acute myeloid leukemia


Figure 1. Variation in expression of necroptosis-related genes in AML. (A) The CNV frequencies of 67 necroptosis-related genes. The frequencies of amplification and deletion are labeled as orange dots and green dots, respectively. (B) The position of the CNV alteration of necroptosis-related genes on 23 chromosomes. (C) Mutation frequency of the top-eight necroptosis-related genes in 134 patients with AML. (D) A boxplot indicating expression of the 67 necroptosis-related genes between normal samples and AML samples (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).