Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 1 pp 43—65

An endoplasmic reticulum stress-related signature featuring ASNS for predicting prognosis and immune landscape in prostate cancer


Figure 3. The establishment of ERscore and verification of its prognostic efficiency. (A) Univariate Cox regression analysis recognized 47 prognosis-associated genes. (B) Correlations between error rate and classification trees. (C) The relative importance of prognosis-associated genes. (D) The corresponding coefficients of ERscore-constructed genes. (E) The Kaplan-Meier method unveiled a significantly worse BCRF survival of the high-risk cohort compared to the low-risk cohort. (F) The illustrations of all patient’s survival condition, risk variations, and ERscore distributions. (G) ROC approach validated that ERscore was a promising prognostic indicator. (HM) The outcomes of MSKCC and GSE70769 cohorts also validated ERscore’s prognostic value.