Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14803—14829

Investigating the ID3/SLC22A4 as immune-related signatures in ischemic stroke


Figure 5. Comprehensive strategy to select the better DEIRG in IS. (A) 12 differentially expressed genes are represented by LASSO coefficient profiles. (B) Twelve differentially expressed genes were examined for binomial deviance profiles. (C) ROC curve for analysing LASSO regression model accuracy in the discovery set. (D) ROC curve for analysing LASSO regression model accuracy in the validation set. (E) ROC curve for ID3 in the discovery set. (F) ROC curve for SLC22A4 in the discovery set. (G) ROC curve for ID3 in the validation set. (H) ROC curve for SLC22A4 in the validation set. (I) ROC curve for SVM model accuracy in the discovery set. (J) Venn diagram for showing a comprehensive strategy among DEGs (pink circle), LASSO regression (light green circle), SVM models (purple circle), immune-related genes (light blue circle). DEIRS: differentially expressed immune-related signatures.