Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14996—15024

ATRX is a predictive marker for endocrinotherapy and chemotherapy resistance in HER2-/HR+ breast cancer through the regulation of the AR, GLI3 and GATA2 transcriptional network


Figure 12. Drug sensitivity analysis and drug prediction. (A) Western blot showed the expression of ATRX when lentivirus was transfected in different concentrations (MOI=10, 20, 50) in MCF-7 cell. Lentivirus without ATRX was served as negative control, and that without lentivirus vector was served as blank control. (B) IC50 of PTX, DOX and TMX (for 48 h) was detected on MCF-7 cell and MCF-7 cell with overexpression of ATRX. The experiment was repeated three times. (C) Venn diagram detected the predicted drugs in CTDbase, which can promote ATRX and also inhibit AR, GLI3 and GATA2.