Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 5 pp 4348—4362

Prenatal diesel exhaust exposure alters hippocampal synaptic plasticity in offspring


Figure 3. Performance of the different groups of mice in the Morris water maze test. (A) The time required to locate the hidden platform in the water maze during the learning stage. (B) The time elapsed in the correct quarter of the water maze during the probe trial. (C) Number of platform crossings in the four quadrants of the Morris maze during the probe trial. (D) Representative spatial and nonspatial probe trial tracings of four subjects. In the spatial version, the placement of the quadrant remained constant over trials. Con: Control group; LD: low dose group; MD: medium dose group; HD: high dose group. The values shown are the mean ± SD (neach group=12), Compared to control; ** p < 0.01.