Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 5 pp 4116—4137

PR55α-controlled protein phosphatase 2A inhibits p16 expression and blocks cellular senescence induction by γ-irradiation


Figure 8. PR55α level is much lower in human normal tissue specimens of older individuals compared to younger individuals and inversely correlates with p16 levels. Human normal tissue specimens derived from various organs/sites were analyzed for differences in PR55α and p16 expression by IHC. (A) Representative images of adjacent tissue sections stained with anti-PR55α and anti-p16 antibodies. OSTSE–tonsil; GMST-seminiferous tubules; ET-thyroid; GIE-esophagus. Young, ≤43 y/o; Old, ≥68 y/o; (B) Box plot shows the H-Score quantification of PR55α and p16 expression from adjacent sections.