Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 4 pp 412—424

Dual targeting of the antagonistic pathways mediated by Sirt1 and TXNIP as a putative approach to enhance the efficacy of anti-aging interventions


Figure 2. Effects of limited glucose availability, resveratrol and DHEA on expression of TXNIP and Sirt1 in cancer cells. Panel A. SaOS2 cells were incubated in the presence of reduced glucose levels in the culture medium for 48 hours. Expression of TXNIP and Sirt1 were determined by Western blot using specific antibodies. Antibody to β-actin was used as a loading control. Panel B. Respective expression of TXNIP and Sirt1 in response to limited glucose availability, measured by quantitative real time PCR (Q-PCR). SaOS2 cells were incubated in the presence of the indicated amounts of glucose for 48 hours, QPCR was then performed to detect expression of TXNIP and Sirt1 using specific primers. Panel C and D, the RGC (panel C) and SaOS2 (panel D) cells were subjected to treatment with increasing concentrations of resveratrol (Resv.) for 48 hours followed by Western blot as described in Panel A. Panel E, SaOS2 cells were treated with increasing amounts of DHEA and probed for expression of Sirt1 and TXNIP, β-actin was used as a loading control.