Research Perspective Volume 1, Issue 8 pp 746—750

Are epidermal stem cells unique with respect to aging?


Figure 3. DHE staining of superoxide in skin cells. Cultures of dermal fibroblasts (Fbs), epidermal keratinocytes (Ker), and epidermal stem cells (EpiSC) were stained with dihydroethidium (DHE) in the presence or absence of the electron transport chain blocker antimycin A (Ant). Fluorescence for each cell type +/- Ant was determined by flow cytometry, then normalized by comparison to a standard cell. EpiSCs show significantly lower levels of DHE staining than the keratinocyte and fibroblast populations (p<0.01). Increase in DHE staining in the Fbs+Ant samples was significantly higher than that seen in Ker+Ant samples (p<0.05). Lack of increase in DHE staining in the EpiSC after antimycin A treatment was significant (p<0.01). Significant differences were determined by student's T-test. n=5.