Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 11 pp 937—948

The circadian clock gene period extends healthspan in aging Drosophila melanogaster


Figure 2. Oxidative damage accumulates to higher levels in aging per01flies. Fold increase was calculated based on day 5 values in CSp males under normoxia (numerical values are shown in Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Table 3). Top: Protein carbonyls (PC) in heads (A) and bodies (B) of CSp (solid line) and per01(broken line) in normoxia (black) and after hyperoxia (gray). PC levels were significantly higher in per01than in CSp fly heads on day 35 and 50, and on day 50 in bodies under normoxia. Hyperoxia on day 35 and 50 induced significantly higher PC levels per01head and bodies compared to CSp age-matched controls. Bottom: Lipid peroxidation product 4-HNE in heads (C) and bodies (D). In normoxia, per01flies accumulated significantly more 4-HNE in heads and bodies compared to CSp in all ages except day 5. Under hyperoxia, significant increase in 4-HNE accumulation was observed in per01heads and bodies on day 20, 35 and 50 compared to CSp males. For statistical analysis of PC and HNE data refer to Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Table 3.