Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 12 pp 3400—3418

Calcium alterations signal either to senescence or to autophagy induction in stem cells upon oxidative stress


Figure 3. Loading cells with BAPTA effectively decreases H2O2-induced [Ca2+]i elevation, and has no effect on cell viability. Cells were either pretreated or not with 10 µM BAPTA (loading procedure is described in “Materials and Methods” section), then were subjected to 200 µM H2O2 for 1 h with the following H2O2 replacement and cell cultivation under normal conditions for the indicated time. (a) Intracellular calcium levels measured by FACS after staining hMESCs with the fluorescent probe Fluo-3AM at day 6 after the oxidative stress. (b) Application of 10 µM BAPTA had no effect on viability of H2O2-treated hMESCs. The percentage of viable cells was evaluated in 24 h after H2O2 treatment by FACS analysis as described in “Materials and Methods” section. M ±, N=3. **p˂0.005, versus control; §§p˂0.005, versus H2O2-treated cells by Student’s t-test. Ctr – untreated cells.