Research Paper Volume 10, Issue 3 pp 402—424

Preferential Ty1 retromobility in mother cells and nonquiescent stationary phase cells is associated with increased concentrations of total Gag or processed Gag and is inhibited by exposure to a high concentration of calcium


Figure 2. Mother-daughter asymmetry in Ty1 retromobility depends on pH homeostasis and mRNA decay factors. (A-B) His+ frequencies for mother and daughter cells of the indicated genotypes separated by magnetic cell sorting after growth in standard YPD medium or in YPD buffered to pH 7.1 with 20 mM sodium phosphate (buffered). Mutants are shown to the right of their corresponding wild type strain (JC3787 or JC3212 in panel A, JC3787 in panel B). Results from three to six trials per genotype are shown. (C) His+ frequencies for cells of the indicated genotypes grown to mid-exponential phase with a low copy vector or a low copy vector with a copy of PMA1 under the control of its native promoter. (D) Same as for panels A and B. JC3787 and JC3212 wild type data are the same as for panels B and A, respectively. (E) Ratios of Ty1 retromobility frequencies in mothers divided by the frequencies in daughters for all the strains and conditions from panels A, B, and D. All graphs show mean values and standard deviations. Single, double, or triple asterisks indicate p<0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively, and “ns” indicates p>0.05. Asterisks over individual columns indicate differences compared to the relevant control or wild type value. Horizontal bars indicate comparisons between mother and daughter cells for a given genotype or condition. Note that the y-axis in panels B and D is a log scale to show significant variation in frequencies.