Research Paper Volume 10, Issue 3 pp 402—424

Preferential Ty1 retromobility in mother cells and nonquiescent stationary phase cells is associated with increased concentrations of total Gag or processed Gag and is inhibited by exposure to a high concentration of calcium


Figure 3. Growth in medium with a high calcium concentration abolishes mother-daughter retromobility asymmetry. (A) Relative His+ frequencies after eight-hour incubations in conditions known to induce P-bodies normalized to the frequencies immediately prior to the eight-hour incubations. Results are for 11 control trials and three to seven trials in the other conditions. (B) Colony forming units (cfu) per mL after the eight-hour incubations normalized to the cfu/mL immediately prior to the incubations for the trials shown in panel A. (C) His+ frequencies for sorted mother and daughter cells without (six trials) or with (four trials) chronic exposure to 100 mM calcium chloride. Control data are the same as from Fig. 2B. (D) Relative His+ frequencies after eight-hour incubations in 10 mM calcium chloride, manganese chloride, or zinc sulfate for three trials. (E) Cfu/mL after the eight-hour incubations normalized to the cfu/mL immediately prior to the incubations for the experiments from panel D. All graphs show mean values and standard deviations. Double or triple asterisks indicate p<0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively, and “ns” indicates p>0.05. Asterisks over individual columns indicate differences compared to the control or wild type value. Horizontal bars indicate comparisons between mother and daughter cells.