Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 8 pp 6774—6792

circTNFRSF21, a newly identified circular RNA promotes endometrial carcinoma pathogenesis through regulating miR-1227-MAPK13/ATF2 axis


Figure 4. Knock down or overexpress TNFRSF21 does not affect EC cell growth. (A) Western blot results of TNFRSF21 after knocking down TNFRSF21 in HEC1-A and Ishikawa cells. GAPDH was used as an internal control. Cell growth (B) and cell cycle (C) detection after knocking down TNFRSF21 in HEC1-A and Ishikawa cells. (D) Western blot results of TNFRSF21 after overexpressing TNFRSF21 in HEC1-A and Ishikawa cells. (E) Cell growth after overexpressing TNFRSF21 in HEC1-A and Ishikawa cells. Data are represented as mean +/- SEM.