Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 24 pp 24651—24670

Downregulated genes by silencing MYC pathway identified with RNA-SEQ analysis as potential prognostic biomarkers in gastric adenocarcinoma


Figure 3. Analysis of protein expression and immunohistochemistry in gastric cancer subtypes. (A) Representative image of Western-blot. Line 1 represents normal gastric tissue and the intensity of the genes are similar to early TNM stages and without metastasis, but much lower than advanced TNM stages (T3/T4). Initial stages with metastasis also have an intensity much higher than that of normal gastric tissue. (B) Positive TTLL12 cytoplasmatic immunostaining in diffuse-type gastric cancer (case 66 T2N3M1); (C) Positive CDC16 cytoplasmic and nuclear immunostaining in diffuse-type gastric cancer (case 140 T3N3M0); (D) Positive CDKN3 cytoplasmatic immunostaining in diffuse-type gastric cancer (case 203 T4N2M1); (E) Positive PTPRA cytoplasmatic immunostaining in intestinal-type gastric cancer (case 5 T1N0M0); (F) Positive MZT2B cytoplasmatic immunostaining in intestinal-type gastric cancer (case 61 T2N3M0); (G) Positive UBE2T cytoplasmatic and nuclear immunostaining in intestinal-type gastric cancer (case 149 T3N3M1) (magnification x40). The differences in band intensity and intensity of immunoreactivity are due to the different stages of TNM in tumor samples of diffuse and intestinal histological types that represent figures (3A, 3B3G). (H and I) The function of the DEGs in the gastric lines showed a strong correlation between the increased level of protein expression with the human stomach cells in the data from The Human Protein Atlas (HPA) that were accessed and normalized in -log10 p-value (adj.). The levels of protein expression of the DEGs are identified by the red rectangle in 15 subtypes of human stomach cells.