Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 3 pp 718—733

Interleukin 6 promotes BMP9-induced osteoblastic differentiation through Stat3/mTORC1 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts


Figure 8. Schematic diagram of IL-6 effects on promoting BMP9-induced osteogenic differentiation in MEFs. IL-6 was up-regulated by BMP9 through binding with BMP type II receptor and type I receptor to activate BMP/Smad signal in MEFs. The secreted IL-6 binds with its receptor to activate the class pathway, and then promote the phosphorylation of Stat-3, through which to up-regulate the expression of Raptor. Then, Raptor binds with other components to form and activate TORC1, through which to activate the downstream transcriptional factor, such as eIF4B. Finally, the activated transcriptional factor may interact with the complex of p-Smad1/5/9 and Smad4 to promote osteogenic factor expression, such as RUNX2, etc.