Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 15 pp 7709—7726

Inhibition of BACE1 attenuates microglia-induced neuroinflammation after intracerebral hemorrhage by suppressing STAT3 activation


Figure 1. BACE1 increased in microglia after ICH. (A) Representative immunofluorescent images of BACE1 and the microglial marker IBA1 in 3-day ICH brain samples. (B) Gating strategy of microglia (Zombie-Ly6G-CD45intCD11b+) (CD45intCD11b+) sorting after ICH. (C) Time course of Bace1 gene expression in FACS-isolated microglia. (D) Representative blot images of BACE1 protein levels in FACS-isolated microglia. (E) Quantitative analysis of the relative change in BACE1 (percentage of sham group). Data are expressed as the means ± SDs; n = 54. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 vs. the sham group.