
The present study focused on the expression patterns, prognostic values and potential mechanism of the PDI family in gliomas. Most PDI family members’ mRNA expressions were observed significantly different between gliomas classified by clinical features. Construction of the PDI signature, cluster and risk score models of glioma was done using GSVA, consensus clustering analysis, and LASSO Cox regression analysis respectively. High values of PDI signature/ risk score and cluster 1 in gliomas were associated with malignant clinicopathological characteristics and poor prognosis. Analysis of the distinctive genomic alterations in gliomas revealed that many cases having high PDI signature and risk score were associated with genomic aberrations of driver oncogenes. GSVA analysis showed that PDI family was involved in many signaling pathways in ERAD, apoptosis, and MHC class I among many more. Prognostic nomogram revealed that the risk score was a good prognosis indicator for gliomas. The qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed that P4HB, PDIA4 and PDIA5 were overexpressed in gliomas. In summary, this research highlighted the clinical importance of PDI family in tumorigenesis and progression in gliomas.