Research Perspective Volume 2, Issue 1 pp 63—68

CYB5R3: a key player in aerobic metabolism and aging?


Figure 2. MRC-5 normal human diploid fibroblasts were CYB5R3-silenced (KO cells) and cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with FBS 10%. (A) Cell growth and CYB5R3 protein levels after five days of CYB5R3-silencing are shown. (B) Oxygen consumption was measured in parallel in both control and CYB5R3-KO cells. (C) Percentage of senescence was determined by senescence-associated-β-galactosidase activity. (D) Total RNA was extracted in both control and CYB5R3-KO cells and PGC1α mRNA levels were obtained by real time PCR.