Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 7 pp 1442—1456

miR-638 suppresses DNA damage repair by targeting SMC1A expression in terminally differentiated cells


Figure 7. The miR-638-mediated suppression of SMC1A affects DNA damage repair ability. (A) K562 cells were transfected with mimics-NC or mimics-638. Mimics-638-transfected cells were then co-transfected with SMC1A plasmid or vector plasmid. Cells were treated with cisplatin (5 μM) for 18 h, and the DNA damage in collected cells was analyzed by the single-cell comet assay. Representative blots are shown. (B) The comet tail moment was counted, and 50 cells were analyzed in each group of (A). (C)The plasmid used in rescuing SMC1A expression has a 3×Flag tag, and the efficiency of rescue was measured by assessing Flag protein levels via western blotting. (D) SD-control or SD-miR-638 U2OS cells were transfected with SMC1A siRNA (#1, #2, #3) or negative siRNA. After 48 h transfection cells were treated with cisplatin (5 μM) for 18 h, and the DNA damage in collected cells was analyzed by the single-cell comet assay. Representative blots are shown. (E) The comet tail moment was counted, and 50 cells were analyzed in each group of (D). (F) The efficiency of the siRNA transfection in U2OS cells was measured via western blotting. NS: not significant, ***: p<0.001, compared to control with the Student's t test. Error bars, S.D.