Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 11 pp 3028—3044

Rpd3 interacts with insulin signaling in Drosophila longevity extension


Figure 3. rpd3 reduction decreases IIS. (A-C) Aging affects rpd3 and InR mRNA levels. The levels of rpd3 (A), InR (B) or dfoxo (C) mRNA in the heads and thoraces of Canton S (CS) wild type male flies at 10, 20, 40 or 60 days determined by qPCR. Controls show an age-related increase in rpd3 and InR mRNA levels. (D-I) The levels of InR (D), chico (E,F), PI3K (G), and dfoxo (H) mRNA in heads and thoraces of rpd3def/yw male flies at ages 20 and 40 and their genetic controls determined by qPCR. (I) The levels of dfoxo mRNA are increased in thoraces of rpd3P-UTR/CS male flies compared to rpd3P-1.8/CS controls at 40 days (n=3, A-H: 30 heads and thoraces per replicate. I: 30 thoraces per replicate. p as noted, t test).