Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 12 pp 3498—3506

Accumulation of spontaneous γH2AX foci in long-term cultured mesenchymal stromal cells


Figure 2. Differential immunocytochemical analysis of γH2AX foci in proliferating (Ki67(+)) and resting (Ki67(-)) cells. (A) Changes in the γH2AX number in Ki67(+) and Ki67(-) cells on 3-22 passages (B) Comparative analysis of γH2AX in Ki67(+) and Kib(-) cells on early (3-8) vs. late (18-22) passages; (С) Representative immunofluorescent microphotographs of MSC showing Ki67 (green), γH2AX (red) foci and their co-localization (yellow) at passage 5 and 20. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI.