Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 14 pp 14830—14848

FGF2-induced PI3K/Akt signaling evokes greater proliferation and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells from breast than from abdomen or thigh


Figure 1. Proliferation and differentiation of haASCs, htASCs and hbASCs. (A) Passage 3 (P3) of htASCs, haASCs, and hbASCs. (B) Positive Alizarin Red staining of P3-htASCs, P3-haASCs, and P3-hbASCs following 3 weeks of osteogenic induction. (C) Positive Alcian Blue staining of P3-htASCs, P3-haASCs, and P3-hbASCs following 2 weeks of chondrogenic induction. (D) Positive Oil Red O staining of P3-htASCs, P3-haASCs, and P3-hbASCs following 2 weeks of adipogenic induction.