Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 20 pp 20753—20777

Substance P blocks ovariectomy-induced bone loss by modulating inflammation and potentiating stem cell function


SP can enrich Treg pool in lymphoid organ by suppressing IL-6 secretion from PBMC. (A) Experimental scheme for coculture of PBMC and splenocyte/MLN. SP was added to PBMC (lower part) and 4.5/24h later, spleen/MLN (Upper) was examined by FACS. The portions of CD4+Foxp3+ cells in splenocytes (B) and in MLN (C) were analyzed by FACS post SP treatment PBMC. The ratio of CD4+IL17+ cells (D) in splenocytes and (E) in MLN cells was analyzed by FACS. (FG) The level of IL-6 in PBMC-conditioned medium with SP was analyzed by ELISA. p values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant (* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001). The data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments. MLN: mesenteric lymph node. n = 4/ experimental setting