Research Paper Volume 14, Issue 11 pp 4769—4785

ZhenQi FuZheng formula inhibits the growth of colorectal tumors by modulating intestinal microflora-mediated immune function


Figure 2. ZQFZ regulated the intestinal microflora. (A) Statistical chart of microbial taxon (B) Chao1, Simpson, Shannon, Pielou’s evenness, observed species, Faith’s phylogenetic diversity and Good’s coverage index values from alpha diversity analysis of the two groups. (C) Venn diagram. (D) PCoA of beta diversity analysis. (E) Heatmap of the 20 bacterial genera with the most significantly different abundance, clustered for UPGMA according to euclidean distance of species composition data. Data are expressed as the mean (n = 4 or 5 mice/group).