Priority Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 18 pp 9238—9249

Gene expression signatures of human senescent corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells


Figure 2. Comprehensive transcriptional analysis of senescent corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells. (A) Clustering analysis of senescent CoEpiCs (SCo), non-senescent CoEpiCs (nSCo), senescent CjEpiCs (SCj) and non-senescent CjEpiCs (nSCj) (n = 3 for each condition). (B) Volcano plot comparing SCo and nSCo (left panel), as well as SCj and nSCj (right panel). (C) Analysis of differentially expressed genes in SCo, nSCo, SCj, and nSCj. (D) Gene ontology analysis of upregulated or downregulated genes comparing SCo and nSCo (top panel), as well as SCj and nSCj (bottom panel). (E) Principal component analysis of SCo, nSCo, SCj, and nSCj. (F) Expression analysis of cell-specific keratin genes. (G) Expression of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)-related genes comparing SCo and nSCo (left panel), as well as SCj and nSCj (right panel).