This article has been corrected: In the new Figure 5, the authors replaced Figure 5B, where they accidently mislabeled the “E2” and “E2+inhibitor” groups and mistakenly used partially duplicated pictures. The new Figure 5B contains a new image for the “E2+inhibitor” group from the original set of experiments. The authors also provided all the original HE staining pictures for this manuscript. This correction does not change the content of the publication and does not affect the conclusion of this research.

New Figure 5 is presented below.

Effects of calycosin on OVX rats and the activation of the RP11-65M17.3-ERα loop in aortic ECs. (A) OVX rats were treated for 20 days with calycosin (0 or 8 mg/kg), 8 mg/kg calycosin and 5 mg/kg MPP, 8 mg/kg calycosin and RP11-65M17.3 shRNA, 20 μg/kg E2, 20 μg/kg E2 and 5 mg/kg MPP, 20 μg/kg E2 and RP11-65M17.3 shRNA. The uterine index was calculated by the percentage of the uterus weight relative to the body weight. (B) The uterine tissues were stained with HE. (C–I) The levels of RP11-65M17.3, ERα, BRIP1 and PARP-1 in aortic ECs were determined using qRT-PCR or Western blotting. Representative data from three independent experiments are shown. *p #p $p 2.

Figure 5. Effects of calycosin on OVX rats and the activation of the RP11-65M17.3-ERα loop in aortic ECs. (A) OVX rats were treated for 20 days with calycosin (0 or 8 mg/kg), 8 mg/kg calycosin and 5 mg/kg MPP, 8 mg/kg calycosin and RP11-65M17.3 shRNA, 20 μg/kg E2, 20 μg/kg E2 and 5 mg/kg MPP, 20 μg/kg E2 and RP11-65M17.3 shRNA. The uterine index was calculated by the percentage of the uterus weight relative to the body weight. (B) The uterine tissues were stained with HE. (CI) The levels of RP11-65M17.3, ERα, BRIP1 and PARP-1 in aortic ECs were determined using qRT-PCR or Western blotting. Representative data from three independent experiments are shown. *p < 0.05 vs. OVX; #p < 0.05 vs. 8 mg/kg calycosin; $p < 0.05 vs. 20 μg/kg E2.