This article has been corrected: The authors corrected affiliations for the authors Jing Huo3 and Jinsheng Wang4. The correct authors list with the corresponding affiliations is presented below.

Bin Du1,*, Lingyu Wei2,*, Jia Wang1, Yanyan Li1, Jing Huo3, Jinsheng Wang4, Pu Wang1

1Center of Healthy Aging, Changzhi Medical College, Changzhi 047500, China

2Department of Pathology, Affiliated HePing Hospital of Changzhi Medical College, Changzhi 047500, China

3Department of Biology, Changzhi Medical College, Changzhi 047500, China

4Department of Pathology, The First Clinical College of Changzhi Medical College, Changzhi 047500, China

*Equal contribution and co-first authors